After touring many preschools in the Richmond and Sunset district, I visited Starlight Christian Preschool, and felt this would be a good fit for my son. Turned out to be a GREAT choice and now both of my kids attend the school (they are 16 months apart).
My older child is one of those kids who cannot sit still to save his life and was initially in speech therapy for the first year and 1/2 of preschool. He had great teachers who were nuturing and provided the structure that he needed to learn both academically and socially. The school accomodated visits by the SF school district when I was trying to apply for additional services for my son, and allowed his speech therapists to visit and observe. Miss Cecelia was very good about providing me with a written short summary of my son’s day so that I would know how he was doing, since he had trouble expressing this himself. His 2nd year teacher, Miss Patty, is truly a gem and has the patience of a saint. She comes off very strict, but the kids love her and she has a natural gift at working with kids like my son. I am proud to say that my kid started reading before he even started the 2nd year of preschool and is already doing simple math. He has a basic foundation of knowledge in Christian beliefs and this happened to be important to our family. He also has made connections with other children, and the school does try to foster this.
My second child is the opposite of the first. Extremely talkative and social, but not as interested in reading, academics, etc. My 2nd child is also stubborn and can be a quite a whiner! Miss Agnes and Miss Ellen are the perfect fit for him. Every kid is different and I’m glad to have the different teachers working with my children.
I am so glad that we came upon this school and have no regrets about sending my children here. I feel that the teachers and the school director really care and know about each child. The annual Christmas, Chinese New Years, and Graduation programs are amazing and so well planned. I can’t believe they pull off such complicated costume changes and performances 3 times a year!
Cons? Well, it’s hard to think of too many, but the school does not have much ethnic diversity and the majority of the teachers are not native English speakers. My son thinks his classmate’s name is “Ma-fa-yu” instead of Matthew, but I find that endearing. Parking can be a bear when you have to come for the parents night programs, which you have to attend 3 out of 4 per year (but most of the time the presentations are relevant and useful). Also, plan to take time off work to drive your kids to the dress rehearsals for the Christmas and graduation programs, which happen at Sunset Baptist Church in the outer sunset (This is on top of 2-3 field trips per year). For kids with full time working parents, this is not always easy to schedule.
All in all, I would have no hestitation recommending this school to friends or family.